Stories grow in little hats...

... if you blow gently, they'll come out.
New: sticker pack Ōji Momo

New: sticker pack Ōji Momo

The sticker pack of Ōji Momo is now available, you can download it on the App Store. Place Ōji Momo in your messages. The small animations will show your friends what you’re doing or how your feel.

Best children’s book covers ever!

Best children’s book covers ever!

Children's book can be touching. To children ánd grown-ups. There are many children's books with stunning covers, we should call them art instead of illustration, actually. We've sorted out the most wonderful covers in this blog. The Arrival Shaun Tan The Arrival is a...

Children’s book: Nobody Passes!

Children’s book: Nobody Passes!

There was a general who wanted to be the hero in a story. The general in this story thought the quickest way to become an hero was to appear in a book. No need to do anything special. Children’s book review: Nobody Passes!

Noa Magic Pond gets Five Stars!

Noa Magic Pond gets Five Stars!

Noa is a beloved character in the Netherlands, well known by young children because of her role in picture books and apps. But now, Noa has made her way to the UK. By receiving five big, golden stars!

Appreview: Loopimal

Appreview: Loopimal

Loopimal is an app that shows very young children (and the bigger ones… and – okay – their parents too) how to build music loops.